Sherman “Dick” E. Edmondson

Sherman E. (Dick) Edmondson, age 94, passed quietly in the family home on Saturday, July 30, 2022. The son of Hollie and Florence Edmondson, Dick grew up in Southeastern Kansas with his siblings Chad, Ray, Bennie, Lavon, Sammie Jean and Wanda. He is survived by his loving wife Janice, his children Michael, Mary and Molly and grandchildren Anthony, Natalie, Aliza, Ruthie and Benjamin.
Dick was an athlete with football as his focus. He played football at Coffeyville Junior College from 1946-49, married Janice in 1949, and continued playing football at Southwestern College from 1949-51. After playing football Dick went on to become the athletic director for the 10th Infantry Division at Fort Riley KS from 1951-53. In 1954, he was recruited to Lawrence by Legendary Coach Al Woolard and taught at Lawrence High School coaching the Little Lions. He then moved to Central Junior High for a year followed by West Junior High when it opened in 1956. During this time he completed his Master’s Degree at the University of Kansas.
Dick taught physical education and coached at West from 1956 until 1974. He began building a house or two during the Summer school break and founded Edmondson Construction Co., Inc. in 1974 when he officially became a home builder and real estate developer full time. As he honed his business skills he proved to be quite the visionary and developer in both Lawrence and Kansas City.
Dick always loved his family first and cherished his friends. He was a man of principle and character, and possessed an untiring work ethic. His true legacy will continue in these attributes which were passed along to the generations of students whose lives he touched and molded over his years of teaching and coaching. He was beloved by all who knew him, most especially his family.
Services will be held at Grace Evangelical Presbyterian Church at 3312 Calvin Drive Lawrence Kansas on Saturday August 6th at 1:00 p.m.
Memorial Contributions may be made to Southwestern College in Winfield, Kansas for the Janice Levy Edmondson Endowed Scholarship or to Grace Evangelical Church in Lawrence and may be sent in care of Warren-McElwain Mortuary, 120 W. 13th Street, Lawrence, KS 66044.
I am so sorry for your loss. He was one of my favorites.
Julie spain
Mike, Sorry for your loss. Your dad was an old school gym teacher you just can’t find anymore. Sometimes think about the Wakarusa Shuffle we used to run in gym class.
Edmondson Family and Friends~
( Friend of Granddaughter Natalie Edmondson- Jarvis and Brad Jarvis )
My sincere Condolences to each of You. What a beautiful tribute to Coach Dick, and what an incredible man. Dedicating himself to his
own athletic abilities, and encouraging so many students is a powerful legacy. He inspired so many.
May you feel comfort and peace in the days ahead.
Karen Foglesong
Dear Janice and family;
We are all so sad to hear of the loss of Dick. My family and I loved being around him. We are all going to miss him.
You all are in our prayers, on our minds and in our hearts during this hard time.
Please accept our condolences,
Lulu Carvajal, kids and Rosy (my mom).
Dear Janice and family,
Dick was such a quiet, gentle, and faithful friend to me (although I heard about the “other side”, I only experienced his soft heart of friendship). Numerous times on his way home, he would see me in the yard, and stop to chat in his pensive, soft voice. Thank God that he enjoyed long years of retirement and enriched so many souls during his lifetime. May memories of a life well-lived and deeply loved comfort you. Rest in God’s peace. my beloved friend!
Mary Hatfield
On behalf of Charles Dunbar and family we send you our condolences and love.
What a great friendship Charles and Skip shared with Janice and Dick.
What an incredible role model he was. He taught me much about how to be a man. Thank-you, Uncle Dick.
I will always remember in football practice. He always carried a repaired stick (He broke it too many times) get your butt down, as he smacked you on your butt. Never hurt, I got the idea quickly, It made me a better player and a better person in life. Thank-you Mr. Edmondson. GOOD memories.
Jimmie Pine
On Behalf of Rima International Members, a sincere condolence to our Excecutive Director, Mary Edmondson, for the loss of his father, Mr. Sherman “Dick” Edmondson.
We extend this condolence to all her family, knowing that we have you present in our prayers and minds during this hard time.
Sergio Luconi
Rima International
Blevins family
As long-time neighbors of Dick and Janice we were and are saddened to learn of Dick’s passing.
Les, Joycelyn, and Christopher.
Dear Janice and family,
Dick (we made sure to call him “Mr Edmonson) was my Phys-Ed instructor at West Junior High from 1969-71. He was a “tough as nails” man with heart that showed through when I was trying my hardest.
He demanded the best from his students, scared us sometimes with his “never give up” fighting attitude and taught me some of my earliest lessons about what responsibility and doing the job right are all about.
Dick also helped teach me that if one worked hard enough they could exceed their own expectations in life.
As these lessons dawned on me in the years after graduating from WJHS I was increasingly thankful to have had Dick an instructor and coach. He was a tough but fair mentor who, in large part, didn’t give up on generations of boys who became men growing up in Lawrence.
Janice Michael Mary Molly
Please accept Sharon & My sincere condolences to each of you.
Coach Husband Father & Grandfather will certainly be missed. May Y’all feel comfort & peace in these tough times.
I respected Dick for his steadfast work ethics as he aged gracefully. We met as my organization leased a facilité from him. Nice guy that will be missed.
I have the utmost respect and admiration for Dick. To the Edmondson family, please accept our sincere condolences.
My condolences to Janice, Michael “T”, and family. How well the memory of coach is etched into my entire generation of Lawrence football players who went through West junior high. Fear as he walked down the hall as we huddled worrying about what he was going to say about the game we played the evening before. And we could never be seen with a girl. I remember back in 1961, it was a common practice to let a girl wear your letter sweater. However he frowned on that. So it was only with great trepidation that we would do that. And he followed my football career, that he really started, up until last game in the 1969 Orange bowl, and later I operated on both of his rotator cuffs. So it really came full circle. RIP coach.
Janice, it is always sad & so hard to let loved ones go. We join your family in bidding Dick farewell. Memories remain, however. I am so grateful for the history we shared at West Jr High, as we watched our men lead scores of Warhawks through the unsettled ‘70’s to become strong, successful young men! Dick & Bill were the anchors that kept West from drifting off course during those years. We admired, respected & appreciated Dick so much. He will be missed but his influence & the memories he built will last for lifetimes!
So sorry for your loss. Mr. Edmondson is a great man, he taught me a lot. God bless each of you