Robert Dunavin

Robert “Bobby” Lee Dunavin, 63 passed away on January 3, 2013 after an extended illness at his home in Madeira Beach, Florida.
Bobby was born August 4th, 1949 in Mammoth Springs, Arkansas to Paul & Ruth Dunavin.
He grew up in a loving home in Desoto, KS surrounded by a large family and was known for his laughter and humor. He graduated from Desoto High School in 1967.
After graduation he served 18months in the army during the Vietnam War and remained proud of the service he had given to his country throughout his life.
He was formerly employed by General Motors and had been a member of Millwright Union #1529 for a number of years.
He was previously married to Rhetta Miller and is survived by their two children; Martin Dunavin, Aurora, Oregon and Melody (Steve) Buchholz, and three grandchildren all of Eudora.
He lived the majority of his life in the Eudora area and had recently moved to Florida to be close to family and be near the beach which he greatly enjoyed.
He is also survived by a sister Paula D. Guffey, Perry and six brothers; L.D., Pittsburg, Mo., Daniel K., Winter Haven, FL., Terry L., Las Cruces, NM., Roddy D., Perry, Ks., and Dennis R. and Gary K. of Eudora along with numerous nieces and nephews and extended family members. He was preceded in death by his parents Paul & Ruth Dunavin and his sister Jean Colley.
***Memorial Services will be held 11:00 a.m., Saturday, March 23, 2013 at the Warren-McElwain Morutary – Eudora Chapel. Military Graveside Inurnment will follow in the Eudora Cemetery. The family will greet friends at the Chapel an hour prior to services.
The family suggests memorials in his name to Paralyzed Veteran’s of America and may be sent in care of the mortuary.
Melody & Martin & Family,
We wanted you to know how
sorry we are for the loss
of your Dad. He was truly
loved by so many. We send
our heartfelt sympathy.
John & Donna Sieber Sr.
John & Lori Sieber Jr.
The McDaniel Family
I loved being Bobs Neighbor in Madeira Beach. He often times reminded me of the military days and also of how important family was. He often spoke of his children and how he wished he could have been closer to them. God Bless you Bob and may you rest in peace.
Melody and Martin, I am sorry for your loss, but I am sure your father was very proud of you and loved you very much.
good thoughts to you.
We are sorry to hear about your loss! If there is anything we can do please let us know! You guys are in our prayers!
A truly sad ending…very sorry for your loss.
sorry for your loss, Martin and Mel.
I want to extend my sincere sympathy to Bobby’s family. I hadn’t seen him in a number of years, but first met him in 1965. He was friend to my brother, Carl Busse, my sister JoAnn Furman. We all lived in Sunflower in the 60’s. He was a lot of fun! We all send our sympathy.
So sorry for your loss Mel & family.
Very sorry for your loss Martin and Mel, I always liked “Bobby D”.
Terry, I’m sorry to learn of the loss of your brother. I never met him however if he was like you he was a heck of a guy. FYI – I maintain the Eudora Cemetery directory. Bobby will be listed as a Veteran on the directory and will have a flag placed by his grave on Memorial Day.
Your Friend, Tom Tucker
So sorry to learn of Bobby’s passing and want to extend my sympathies to all the Dunavin families. I have many fond memories of when we all ran around together whether partying, being at the lake or just getting together to visit and have fun. I always think of cheeseburgers when I think of Bobby. Those were really fun filled days!
As a dog trainer, I would not rcmoemend the use of choke chain on a small and frightened shiba like yours. And by the way, if you tend to hold the lash on its left like in the first photos, the choke chain is incorrectly wore.
中秋節月亮恰逢 望 17:27-17:43最圓中廣 2011/09/08今年中秋節 民眾能不能欣賞到又大又圓的月亮 台北市立天文教育館表示 今年中秋節農曆八月十五 恰逢月亮最圓的滿月 也就是地球在月亮和太陽之間 三者在同一平面上的時刻 而中秋節當天 望 的時刻 發生在下午五點二十七分到五點四十三分 今年的中秋明月 是名符其實的團圓滿月 (林麗玉報導)天文館介紹幾個觀賞月亮的門道 天文館表示 由於月亮是離地球最近的天體 顯見又明亮 因此並不需要選擇特定的觀賞地點 一般民眾以肉眼 或是小型望遠鏡都可以盡興的賞月 若是直接目視觀賞 可以看出月亮上有的區域明亮 有的區域陰暗 這是因為月亮表面的組成成分不同 並且地形有高低起伏的變化導致 如果用望遠鏡觀察月亮 則不難在月亮邊緣觀察到隕坑 山谷等地形 立體效果明顯而且壯觀 事實上 月亮表面的地形分為15類 總計有數千個 至於中秋節的月亮一定比較大嗎 根據現有觀測資料 月球的外殼是由堅硬的岩石組成 實際大小不會改變 不過它看起來的大小卻時有不同 這是因為月球以橢圓軌道繞地球公轉 與地球的距離有遠近變化的關係 在每一圈的繞行過程中 月球都會通過最接近地球的位置 稱為 近地點 當月球離地球較近時 看起來會比較大 反之 距離較遠時看起來較小 中秋節月球不一定恰好來到近地點的位置 所以中秋的月亮不一定是最大的 而今年中秋節月亮與地球的距離 大約403249公里 與 3月20日的滿月相比 中秋的月亮看起來不是最大的 不過今年中秋節恰逢滿月 中秋節 望 的時刻 發生在十二號週一下午五點二十七分 到五點四十三分月亮在東方地平就冉冉升起 今年的中秋明月 是名符其實的團圓滿月 而中秋節晚間七點到九點 台北市立天文教育館推出 賞月活動 提供多架望遠鏡開放民眾賞月 還有月光音樂會 (照片由台北市立天文教育館提供) 6年來最圓中秋月 網路直播中央社 2011/09/08 中央社記者汪淑芬台北8日電 中央氣象局今天表示 今年是近6年月亮最圓的中秋節 氣象局12日將提供位在玉山北峰所觀測的明月影像 民眾可透過網路直播即時觀賞玉山風情及中秋望月 氣象局說 農曆每個月都會有1次滿月 但滿月卻不一定是在農曆15日 中秋節若逢滿月稱為 中秋望月 過去5年裏 農曆8月的滿月都發生於16日或17日 中秋節當天的月亮反而不是最圓的 氣象局表示 因地球 月球的公轉及自轉的關係 今年農曆8月的滿月剛好在中秋節當天 也是近6年來月亮最圓的中秋節 上次中秋望月發生在民國94年9月18日 今年適逢建國百年 中秋別具意義 根據氣象局預測 受水氣增加影響 今年中秋節平地賞月要靠運氣 但高山賞月機會大 氣象局認為 近4000公尺的玉山是台灣的精神象徵 平時風起雲湧 天氣現象變化萬千 晚上坐看繁星皓月 令人目不暇給 但因位於高山 遊客不易到達 今年特別架設望遠鏡及攝影機 並與中華電信合作 中秋節當天下午4時起 提供所拍攝的月面即時視訊影像 邀請國人透過氣象局全球資訊網 的網路直播 一起觀賞玉山風情及中秋望月 氣象局說 中秋節當天台灣平地的月出時刻約在下午5時40多分 月沒約在隔天上午6時10分 玉山北峰則在下午5時35分月出 月沒於隔天上午6時21分 超近超亮超新星 日落後現天空中央社 2011-09-08加州天文學家今天發現25年來最靠近地球且最明亮的超新星 PTF 11Kly 它僅僅距離地球2100萬光年 因爆炸而發出強光 業餘觀星人士本週就能看見這顆星星 勞倫斯柏克萊國家實驗室 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 和加州大學柏克萊分校 University of California at Berkeley 的天文學家團隊發現了這顆2100萬光年外風車星系 Pinwheel 猛烈爆炸的白矮星 柏克萊國家實驗室在記者會上說 這顆編號為 PTF 11Kly 的星星將會非常明亮 觀星者用雙筒望遠鏡就可以觀測到它 PTF 11Kly靠近北斗七星 Big Dipper 日落後2 3小時內就能看到它 PTF 11Kly位於風車星系 座落於大熊星座 Ursa Major constellation 大熊星座較為人知的名字是北斗七星 柏克萊大學天文學家紐金特 Peter Nugent 表示 PTF 11Kly距離地球約2100萬光年 以宇宙的規模而言 PTF 11Kly其實就在 我們家後院 紐金特說 相較之下 大多數超新星距離地球10億光年距離 得用48吋帕洛瑪天文望遠鏡才能觀測到 發出的光實在太弱 一般大眾根本看不到 根據預測 PTF 11Kly在9月9日至12日間會最為明亮 到時天文學家使用好的雙筒望遠鏡或小型望遠鏡就能看見它 紐金特告訴路透社 宇宙有數十億顆星星 而這顆超新星整個週末都會比他們更加耀眼