Quay H. Smith

Quay H. Smith was born January 10, 1925, in Vine Creek, Kansas to Nellie and Ray Smith at the homestead before the doctor could arrive. He was the fourth child of ten and the last of the siblings to depart this physical world. Proceeding him in death were Oren James Smith, Ray O. Smith, Samuel Smith, Maude Emma Tyler, Opal Kiekel, Emery Smith, Chester Smith, Quentin Smith, and Dan Smith. His youngest daughter Elizabeth “Betty” Foos left this world prior to his passing.

On August 21, 2024, his wife and daughters, along with other family members, were honored to be by his side at last breath.  Hie is survived by his wife Patricia, daughters June and Sheryl of the homestead and Cindy Yother (Tom) of Lawrence, grandchildren, Ashley Foos (Justin Crooks) of Lawrence, son-in-law, Rick Foos, grandchildren, Philip Foos and Evan Foos reside on the homestead community, Tommy Yother II and Meredith Revell; great grandchildren, Sidney Loney (Eli Loney), Abigail Yother and Russell Yother and Rebecca Revell.

With many talents and purpose in life he broke horses before going into the US Army and serving in the Philippines during WWII where he was awarded a Purple Heart. His hearing was still out to sea on a gunner ship! After the war, he met a beautiful red head who served a great slice of pie and married Patricia A. Shaughnessy on May 7, 1949 (that is 75 years of bliss). Shortly after the nuptials he went to work for Southwestern Bell and retired after 39 years at the young age of 62 to work his own cattle and many acres. The man, the legend and his legacy live on with the fences, posts and toil he put into the earth. Those home-grown garden goods were some of his favorite foods along with pie and ice cream.

He had a passion for life like no other. The stories he told of riding his horse to school, working the prairie land northwest of Abilene, KS and traveling to Alaska with his brothers could keep anyone rivetted to his side for hours. He loved hunting, bowling, fishing, snow skiing, his girls, 5 grandkids, 4 great grandkids, nieces, nephews and the neighbor’s kids. Often sneaking off to teach them to fish or shoot in his gator or new dragon. Any excuse to be outside in the fresh air made him the man that you knew or wanted to know because he made everyone laugh. If you would like to wear your bib overalls on Tuesday, please do, he’d find that hilarious.

Quay was a cowboy and a soldier who believed our indigenous peoples were underserved. Please consider donating to your favorite charity in lieu of flowers.

Services will be held Tuesday August 27, 2024, Warren-McElwain 10:30 am. Military Honors burial ensues directly after the services in Memorial Park Cemetery, 1517 E. 15th Street, Lawrence, KS. 

For more information or to post a condolence go to warrenmcelwain.com.

17 Condolences

  1. Sandy & Rodney Henry Paden on August 23, 2024 at 5:10 pm

    Oh, Uncle Quay❤️
    Tell everyone Hi on your New side!
    Until we meet again 🥰
    Pull my finger every now and then to make me Laugh!
    Much Love to the Entire Family!

  2. Debbie Ione Shafer on August 23, 2024 at 11:00 pm

    Tom Cindy and family
    So sorry to hear about the passing of your father. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Gail Alder on August 24, 2024 at 12:05 pm

    We are so sorry for your family’s. Sounds like he was a tremendous man, husband, grandfather and so much more. We are sure he will be sorely missed.
    All our love Gail & James Alder

  4. Anne Marie Sun'child on August 24, 2024 at 2:55 pm

    I only had the pleasure of meeting Poppy Quay once. I really only knew him through one of his amazing daughters June. I wish I remembered more of my short stay on their farm: what I do recall is him beaming with the biggest of grins. It was impossible not to smile back! I thought he was a real hoot, like a character you read from a book. I’m so grateful for getting to meet him and having this memory of him.

    It’s funny how I know I didn’t really know this man, but it doesn’t feel that way. For his daughter has made such an impact on my life. I knew him through her.

    I’ve known June Moon for 21 years; I refer to her as my Moon Mama! I met her when I was a freshly turned 19 year old going on her first Faire stay without her family. I was very ill prepared for my adventure to say the least and it was a bit scary tbh. She found me, fed me, dressed me up, and I had the time of my life because of her and her friends! She made me feel safe and loved. Even though we had just met, something clicked and our souls saw each other and knew.

    I love Poppy Quay, because he gave me my Moon Mama. I know his heart and soul through her. May he ride his horse to the next big adventure knowing that he was so loved and admired.

  5. Brian Owens and family on August 24, 2024 at 3:22 pm

    Cindy, Tom and kids…so sorry for your loss. Quay was a great guy. Love and hugs.

  6. Pat Karlin on August 24, 2024 at 4:20 pm

    Pat, Cindy, June, Sheryl and the entire family – our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. I have many great memories off the farm and fishing, putting up hay, and swimming in the pond. Also, some great stories Felix would tell over and over. Unfortunately, we are out of town until late on Tuesday and will not be able to make the services. Wish we could be there to support all your family and share stories. Love, Pat & Mary Beth Karlin & family

  7. Vicki Eudaly on August 25, 2024 at 6:46 am

    Quay was a special man who was like an extra father to me back in my junior high school days. I have such wonderful memories of being on the farm… I always wanted to be in the country and Sheryl wanted to be in town. Your family was blessed to have a father, husband, grandfather and uncle like him. Blessings to you all.
    P.S. Pat and Mary Beth are my new next-door neighbors and we have shared some great stories about Quay and our times on the farm.

  8. Donnie Rogers on August 25, 2024 at 10:58 am

    Sorry to hear of Uncle Quays passing.
    He definitely was a MAN
    like no other.
    Respects to the whole FAMILY.
    He will be in good hands and we all know Shaughnessy will be there to greet him

  9. Mary on August 25, 2024 at 11:22 am

    I write this on behalf of my late husband, Don Boucher, who had the privilege of working with Quay for “Ma Bell”. He always spoke of Quay as a legend and friend. Our condolences to the family and friends who will miss him. I suspect he and Don are swapping stories and laughing up in heaven.
    Mary Boucher

  10. Kim Aldrich on August 25, 2024 at 8:10 pm

    I have so many great memories growing up around Uncle Quay. He was one good ol’ boy and could give the most vicious whisker rubs! He taught Betty and I all about hard work from clearing timber, stacking wood for the winter, putting up hay (great to rinse off in the pond after before being allowed in the house), caring for the horses, the cattle, and putting in a garden. He had such an infectious laugh. He lived a great life. You girls are so admired to care for him in his final years allowing him to remain on his land and in his home. Love you all. ❤️

  11. Paul and Jean Blettner on August 25, 2024 at 11:59 pm

    We met Quay late in life. I only wish we would have known him sooner; he was a real man among men. Quay and Pat and the rest of his wonderful family are neighbors to our son Todd who live close by on Diagonal Road in Lecompton. No matter what health problems he was dealing with in the last few years, it never stopped him from smiling, laughing, and telling stories. Quay loved riding around in his “gator” and working with Todd and I on a few small work projects around the farm. He had such a strong will and love of life that I still find it hard to believe he has passed. We will miss him dearly. HAVE A SAFE TRIP QUAY….and GOOD LUCK with your new adventures in the BEYOND!

  12. Mark Witt on August 26, 2024 at 11:17 pm

    Quay Smith, the toughest man I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing. Rest in peace my friend.

  13. Bonny Deines on August 27, 2024 at 10:19 am

    Although I never met June’s father, I feel like I got to see a little bit of him through June,whose contagious “go after what makes you happy” attitude has inspired so many. Just reading about his life is a reminder to live life to its fullest, laughing and smiling along the way. My heart goes out to you (June and family) for the loss of a good man and father…but I definately know that his beautiful sole will live on through YOUR smiles and laughter, as you share your many memories of him.

  14. Billy Joe and Jacqueline Cain and family on August 27, 2024 at 4:58 pm

    Dearest June and family,
    So sorry to hear of your loss. Sending all the loves from Austin. Feel free to reach out if there’s anything we can do. We’re holding you tight in our thoughts!
    Jacqueline, Billy Joe, Tuesday, and Matthew Cain

  15. Melissa Garner (Travis) on August 28, 2024 at 11:21 am

    Love and comfort from Austin. You all have the best of guardian angels!

  16. Karen Roberts on September 2, 2024 at 10:43 am

    Oh, Quay! How much laughter we shared during your visits. You will be missed. What a guy.
    Patricia and June, you are especially close in my heart. Love and peace to you all.

  17. Kim Richter on September 5, 2024 at 8:56 pm

    Quay was such a great neighbor for the 30+ years we’ve been in Lecompton. My husband Mark loved hanging out with Quay because he was so down to earth and had such a great sense of humor. They were like-minded men who enjoyed maintaining their properties and doing things by hand. My heart goes out to all who feel his loss.

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