Stephen Crowe

James Duncan Stephen Crowe, 1949-2021
Stephen was born April 21, 1949 in the Kingdom of Fife, Scotland. His parents were John Stephen Crowe, who worked for the British intelligence agency GCHQ, and Isabella (Ella) Watson Brown Crowe, who was a nanny during WWII and then a homemaker. His first name James was that of his paternal grandfather, his second name Duncan was that of his maternal grandfather. He was always known as Stephen or Steve. An older half-brother Iain, left fatherless by WWII, was adopted by Ella’s second husband (Stephen’s father).
When Stephen was 10, the family moved from Springfield in Fife to Thurso in Caithness County on the north coast of Scotland. At age 15 he apprenticed as a chef at the Cobden Hotel in Birmingham, England, where he completed culinary school. After that, Stephen worked as a baker at the Dounreay power plant near Thurso, as a chef at the Royal George Hotel in Edinburgh, and as a bus conductor. Travels throughout Europe as a young man expanded his horizons. He met and married his first wife and moved to Lawrence KS with her in 1973. While in Lawrence Stephen cut steaks and managed the kitchen at Don’s Steakhouse, then helped open another steakhouse at Richland Corner.
Stephen moved to the California Bay Area with his second wife in 1980. He lived there for nearly 40 years, during which he married twice more. He was married 22 years to his fourth wife Hope, and helped raise her daughter Amanda. Over the years Stephen worked in restaurant management at Hungry Hunter Steak House, Applebee’s Grill and Bar, and Carrow’s Restaurant. He became a US citizen in 2008 in time to vote for Obama. After retirement he enjoyed driving for East Bay Shuttle, a job that appealed to his fondness for learning life stories from his passengers.
Stephen moved to Lawrence in July 2018 to reconnect with old friends and enjoy the midwestern pace of life. He worked at Best Buy and lived simply in a modest apartment with adopted cat Niko. He was an avid reader, and loved movies, history, listening to music, and visiting with friends. Stephen’s calm demeanor and subtle Scottish accent were beloved by all who knew him. Sadly, multiple health problems led to his death on July 15, 2021.
Stephen is survived by his brother Iain Crowe, nephew Allan Crowe, niece Sally Crowe, and four great nieces and nephews, all of Caithness County, Scotland, and step-daughter Amanda Balaian of California. He dearly loved his family and friends, and appreciated the finer things in life. In tribute to Stephen, please be kind and gentle, tell your stories and listen to others, and indulge in a favorite meal and beverage. In memory of Stephen, please donate to Guide Dogs for the Blind in San Raphael, CA.
A zoom gathering will be held at noon Pacific time on July 17, 2022, for family and friends to share memories of Stephen. The meeting id is 566 220 2840.
I worked with Steve at Don’s Steak House. So sad to hear. I recently talked with him on FB about old times at Don’s. Thoughts and prayers for the family.
I am sorry to see Steve passed away. He was such a wonderful man. Paul &I enjoyed seeing him while we lived in California. Paul passed away 2years ago but we talked of Steve often. Prayers to all of the family.
Lots of memories in Jerry Square Thurso..
should have met again.. listening toCountry Joe and the fish ..growing up!
Wanda xx