Grace Lauraine (Endacott) Brooks

Grace Lauraine (Endacott) Brooks
Born May 19, 1932, to Norman and Laura Endacott, Grace was (according to her business card) a “Retired Tennis Star, Golfer-in-Training, Reader, Walker, Fly-Fisher, Spouse, Mother, Grammy & Super Person”. She graduated from the University of Kansas in 1953 with a degree in Music (piano and organ), participating in Intramural Sports, Academic Mortar Board, President of Jay Janes, President of Delta Delta Delta Sorority, Honorary member of Sigma Alpha Iota., and playing the organ for Trinity Lutheran Church. She married Bill Brooks on June 12, 1954, in Lawrence, and moved to Abilene, Texas. Her career included working for Sunflower Ordinance Works, Magnolia Oil Company, and playing the organ for Grace Lutheran Church. While raising a family, she was the Vice President of the Junior League, participated in the Abilene Music Group, Tri Delt Alumnae, PTA, and served as President of Panhellenic. The family moved to Denver, Colorado in 1968 where Grace continued her activities in Junior League, Tri Delt Alumnae, and PTA, adding memberships in Symphony Debs, Bal de Ballet Debutants, Gourmet Dinner Club, and Eskimo Ski Club, being added to the Social Register in Denver. In her “spare” time, she enjoyed competitive Tennis winning many trophies, Fly-Fishing including tying her own flies, Golf, and Skiing. She and her husband Bill retired in 2000 to Lawrence, Kansas, where she continued her volunteer work with Tri Delta Alumnae, SAI, PEO and member of various other organizations keeping physically active with Tennis and a personal trainer through her 90th year.
Grace’s name was added to the register in the Book of Life on August 5, 2023, at the age of 91. She was preceded in death by her daughter Susan Brooks, her brother Alan Endacott, and her husband of 61 years Bill Brooks. She is survived by daughters Karen Brooks Rhea (Scott) and Sara Brooks Czapinski, grandchildren John Rhea (Sydney), Stephen Rhea (Kitty), Alexis Czapinski, and Erik Czapinski, and great granddaughters Emilene, McKinley, and Wendy Rhea. Memorial service will be held Friday, August 11, 2023, 2:00 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church. In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to the Jayhawk Tennis Center c/o Kyle Markham or Trinity Lutheran Church Music Fund.
Grace you are an inspiration to us all. I so enjoyed your visits to the office and hearing your life stories and experiences. We will miss you lots! My condolences to the family. I hope you are running around the tennis court in heaven.
Grace was given the right name: she was a lovely, gracious person. Her mother and mine were in Progressive Circle at TLC. Her brother, Alan, was a great fellow; he and Larry Sneegas were fine LHS friends. Comfort and peace to all the family. –Nancy Vogel
Peace and comfort to all the family and friends of Aunt Grace. My brother, John, and I will be flying in from Pensacola for the service this Friday. We look forward to seeing everyone and celebrating our Aunt’s amazing life.
-Brooks Endacott
Alan Endacott and Roberta (Smith) Endacott’s son
P.S. thanks to Nancy for the kind words about Grace and my dad, Alan. I was too young to remember him when he died, but I sure love hearing about how great he was!
Grace was a little older than I. Our families were close and Alan and I were also close. I will always remember Grace as she was always full of life. I remember in 1956 I went to Abilene, TX at Grace and Bill’s invitation to work for the summer. It was a great experience. She had a great life and will always be remembered.
Wonderful neighbor, always cheerful and optimistic, years younger than her driver’s license reflected.
Dearest Grace, may you rest in peace as we all remember the joy your presence provided all blessed to have known you.
You will be missed dear friend — but will remain in our hearts with fond memories and appreciation for your friendship.
With love and sympathy to your beloved family,
Sorry to hear of Grace’s passing. Both Bill and Grace were wonderful people and always nice to catch up while I serviced their HVAC system over the years. Now, there will be another angel looking over her family and friends! She finally gets reunited with Bill again is only solace of her passing. RIP My friend…
Grace has been an inspiration to everyone at Studio Alpha for almost 20 years. She rarely missed a personal training appointment and knew the value of strength and movement. Neither injury nor illness could keep her away, she always came back to the gym as soon as she was able. We miss her bright smile, laughter and can do attitude. Grace loved life and lived it to the fullest. She spoke often of her family and friends with such joy. She was so proud of her children and grandchildren. She loved and appreciated you all so much and was thrilled with her latest role as GiGi. May you find comfort in the wonderful memories you have with this incredible woman we all knew as Amazing Grace!