Frisco Morse

Frisco Morse, 54, of Lawrence, died unexpectedly at his home on Tuesday, January 31, 2023.
Frisco was born in the Bahamas. He was raised in Miami, Florida by his devoted mother, Randi Freas, whom he adored and admired. His parents preceded him in death.
Frisco had been a physician at Stormont Vail in Topeka for the last 16 years. Helping people and paying it forward had always been important to him.
Frisco was full of excitement and enthusiasm, particularly for music and concerts, great food and wine, entertaining, traveling, and people. Frisco never met a stranger and everyone he encountered he considered a friend. Above all, Frisco loved his family and friends.
Frisco cared deeply for his two biological children, Johstono and Channing, of Lawrence. Frisco is survived by the love of his life, Kathleen Kinsler (his wife) and her two children, Benjamin and Lauren Wessel. Frisco was passionately devoted to his family and the life they created together. They could count on him always.
Services will be private and will be handled by Warren-McElwain Mortuary. In lieu of flowers, Kathleen, suggests memorial donations in honor of Frisco to the Stormont Vail Foundation at, 1500 SW 10th Ave, Topeka, KS 66604. These monies will be used to assist people who are unable to afford medications, a cause that was deeply meaningful to Frisco.
I enjoyed every interaction with Frisco. He was a friend, mentor, colleague, and a caring physician. I’ve learned many things from Frisco, mostly how to respectfully care for people and how to live and work with joy.
Frisco really was one of a kind. He had a personality that everyone was drawn to and loved. Believe me, the halls of Stormont Vail will never be the same without him. He has positively impacted so many lives and will truly be missed by so many. I will forever think of him every time I see a fanny pack. He was rocking them long before they came back in style. My deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Dr. Morse. I’m so grateful to have worked with him for so many years.
Like he was to so many, Dr. Morse was a mentor and friend to me. His energy and passion for life was infectious. I will miss his laugh, his loud voice, his private messages of encouragement, him calling me “D”, and his presence for all to enjoy in this world. He was an incredible physician and an even better person who cared deeply for others. I won’t forget you, friend.
Dr. Morse aways had time to ask how you were doing. Give a hug or just words of encouragement. He always had a smile on his face. He treated everybody the same and no one was below him. He chose the right profession. He was loved by all. I felt honored to know him.
What can I say that people don’t already know about Dr Morse. He was so free. He loved life, his friends, his co-workers and above all his family and work. I will miss the Spanish he would teach me and the deep philosophical topics we would get into. Above all, I will miss his laugh, his larger than life personality, and most of all his orneriness. Dr. Morris you brought so much light into this dark world. Kathleen you are one-of-a-kind and such a special woman. I loved working with you as well and I know how strong you are. My heart goes out to you and your family. Know that my prayers are with you.
Frisco will be missed beyond any words I can write. He was so easy to work with, and above that, a pleasure in every sense of the word. Caring, emotional and smart. He was the entire package. No one has ever called me “Jordy” in my life, but him. He made a personal connection with all those he encountered. I’m sad beyond words I’ll never see him in the lounge again and what would start as a simple hello would turn into a conversation driven by wherever he’d take it to, generally with me learning an obscure fact. Condolences to his family, you lost a legend
You know how you talk to someone for the first time but it feels like you have known them for ages?! This was Frisco, he was an instant friend, easy to work with and fun to have around. “ALTAMIMI” he would often call me from across the halls or announce my presence in the physician lounge, loud and clear, with a warm hispanic accent. I will miss that and I will greatly miss him as a coworker and as a friend! Rest in peace hermano!
Frisco will forever be remembered as an amazing, caring and loving person! We were so blessed to know him and have him be a part of our lives!
Frisco had such a big personality, and such a big heart. I think anyone who worked within the hospital in the past sixteen years has a story and a special memory of Frisco. He was so fun and so genuine, he was a great teacher to me when I was new. He connected with patients and families to make them feel seen and understood during their most challenging times. I will miss the variety of educational moments, whether he was teaching about a band from the 80’s, the practicality of a good fanny pack, pathology and disease processes, or anything in between. My deepest condolences to his family. I am so very sorry for this loss.
Frisco never knew a stranger and was kind to all. You will be missed.
Frisco did indeed love music and concerts. We shared that love and we shared several concerts together. Rush, Dream Theater, and Iron Maiden.
“If I die tomorrow, I’ll be alright because I believe that after we’re gone, the spirit carries on” – Dream Theater
I’ll miss that, but his spirit does indeed carry on. It will in me and in so many others he touched. So genuinely kind, loving, and SO funny.
If we weren’t talking music (which we did A LOT) he was talking of his love for his kids, Kathleen, his family. He was crazy about you guys. Hugs to you and to many in my Stormont Vail family who are hurting as well. We lost a great guy. I will miss you so much my friend.
I loved me some Frisco! He always had a story and we always shared a great laugh and tons of jokes! Kathleen, my heart and prayers go out to you and the family! Thinking about to you during this sad time! He will be greatly greatly missed💔
Jill Ximenez
Dr. Morse was so good to everyone he came into contact with! He was incredibly kind to me when I really needed it, no questions just kind. He is missed but treasured by all who met him!!!
Frisco was a great guy & always had a smile on his face. I miss working with him. He will be dearly missed by everyone who knew him. Fly high friend!
Frisco was a great friend and will be missed by all who knew his booming voice and amazing personality. He touched so many people in both his personal and professional life who are better for having known him. I will miss our Monday walks and the endless laughter that ensued when we arrived at our destination. Dinners with the “Super Six” will be some of my fondest memories. Kathleen you and the family are in our hearts and prayers.
I know you are in a better place now but know it was to soon and there will always be empty place in our hearts. The earth is a better place because of the time you spent on it.
I enjoyed your friendship very much. Love you man! I hope you’re dear family finds a way to mend their broken hearts.
Frisco was always smiling and asking how are doing. He will be dearly missed. You always could hear his voice and laughter that followed. We were blessed to have known him
Frisco was always smiling and asking how are you doing. He will be dearly missed. You always could hear his voice and laughter that followed when he was making rounds. We were blessed to have known him
Frisco was a great doctor and wonderful friend. He always had time for everyone. He would be on rounds and ha e to talk with everyone. If you had a problem or concern, he always listened. He took care of my dad and dad loved his stories. Kathleen I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers and hugs for you and your family.
Still in shock and denial, can’t believe Frisco is gone! Never been just a colleague, always been a friend and a big brother. Will never forget you bro… SV will never be the same. Rest in peace you are really bigger than this life…
Healthcare workers are often treated badly by some of the people they care for. Dr. Morse saw this happening to me one day and he put a stop to it immediately. I will never forget how he defended and protected me that day. He would do this for anyone being mistreated. He made people feel seen. I admire him for being a doctor and being so kind and friendly to staff who maybe don’t feel like their role is as important. He was someone who would passionately argue otherwise. It is so saddening that we lost such a wonderful person. Love and prayers for his family and all who love him.
Kathleen, my deepest condolences. I am so sorry to hear this. Praying for you & your family.
A couple weeks ago, Frisco was kind enough to look at my flaming red ear while he was rounding in the ICU. He looked inside and said the inner ear looked okay, except he could see light out the other side. Always making us laugh and sneaking in a few blonde jokes along the way. Thankful for the opportunity to work with such a charismatic and compassionate human. He will be so very missed.
Dr Morse always made time for staff and patients. He made the time to sit with patients and explain what was happening, in detail. He would explain in layman’s terms, patients really appreciated that. I would always stay in the room, learning with the patient. Will certainly miss his humor, his engagement with people and his professionalism. My heart is with Kathleen and family. He was a great one.
I was a PTC at Stormont and had the chance to work with Frisco. I had the even greater privilege of having a conversation with him a time or two. He truly never knew a stranger and always made time to make people feel heard and important. He never made me feel less than as a PCT and people loved having him on the floor with them – patients and employees alike!
Frisco was someone I never forgot as I left Stormont, as his fun personality, warm smile and genuine heart are things to be remembered. The picture you chose is amazing and his kindness jumps right off the photo. My prayers are with your family as you process and grieve the great loss that this is. He won’t be forgotten.
I finally found the strength to view his obituary. I agree with Stephanie, this picture is absolutely perfect and radiates Frisco, the love of my life. It was actually quite difficult to find a picture that would work because the two of us were always standing so close I couldn’t be cropped out! It was a recent picture too. We went to KC and enjoyed the ballet and dinner and drinks. He always planned the perfect date nights! I’m going to miss him terribly!
Thank you ALL for your beautiful thoughts and memories!💚💚💚
Dr Morse will be missed immensely. His memory and impact will always be felt at SV, he will always be in our hearts and memories.
I can’t say anything that hasn’t already been said. A man that never knew a stranger, larger than life personality, patient advocate, and nursing advocate. Usually running behind on round’s because he was talking to everyone, LOL…. But that was one of the best things about him. My deepest condolences to his family, and his closest friends. May the memories of Frisco comfort you in the days and months to follow, as you navigate through these new waters without him. The halls of SV will never be the same. I would challenge someone to find a single person in that hospital who doesn’t know him. You won’t find one. That speaks volumes for a person’s legacy. The streets of Heaven are definitely more boisterous now…
Frisco is EASILY one of my favorite people I’ve met in the last decade. Like everyone else, I wish it was longer, but I’m so so so grateful that I got to have the Frisco Experience for whatever time I did. Every time I was around Frisco was just that: an experience, and I was always in a better mood after being around Frisco than when I arrived (and my face usually hurt from smiling and laughing). Just an unrelentingly fun and interesting person to be around. Larger than life, INCREDIBLY easy to talk to, and so charismatic and kind. Kathleen, kids & rest of the family, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Frisco, I’ll miss you man. Thank you for every minute I was lucky enough to be around you.
I very much enjoyed working with Dr. Morse. I can echo the wonderful sentiment written here in coworkers’ words.
I will always remember him as a kind, compassionate person. A few months after my dad passed, I spoke with Dr. Morse, as I was looking for some closure. He shared with me about how much he missed his mother, and how he was working through the loss. He didn’t realize it, at the time, but he ministered to me; and for that he will always hold a special place in my heart.
Kathleen, please accept my most heartfelt condolences.
Matthew 25:40
And the King will answer them, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
A wonderful physician, Frisco Morse, embodied this! Dr. Morse treated all people equally and embraced people’s differences. He was loud, kind, and unapologetically himself. His story lives on in all the lives he touched, even the least of these.
Kathleen and family ~~
Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers~~a candle is burning at Corpus Christi for Frisco and all those who loved him and he loved back . I only had one opportunity to meet him but in just that one conversation I knew he was one wonderful human being —kind, thoughtful, and all around fun to talk to. May peace follow you during these very difficult times.
One of my first days at Stormont, Frisco introduced himself to me and the first sentence was, “I’m going to marry your boss!”. He radiated love for his family. Like everyone else has said, his gregarious personality will be greatly missed. Having him call you out down the hallway, having him talk excitedly about the next concert Kathleen and he were going to attend, or him weighing in on whatever the topic of discussion happened to be. And so intelligent! He had something interesting to add, always. He would always encourage patients to work with therapy, telling them how important it was, and making us all feel so very important to the overall mission of patient care. I am heartbroken at the loss for his family and our community.
My condolences to Kathleen and family.
Always a smile, enjoyed our discussions and will remember a physician who always cared!
Taken to soon.
RIP my friend
I last spoke with Frisco when COVID had the world at a standstill, back in 2020. He always had an interesting perspective on things, and this particular conversation came to mind because COVID had us all deeply pondering what was really happening in the world! Frisco was one of my favs, and this one hit hard! My condolences go to his children, his close friends, and family. May he rest in peace!
I only met Fresco when we were walking our dogs at the same time. He was always friendly and nice. He will be missed by the neighborhood
I loved seeing him come down the hall. Always smiling, kind and caring. His kindness radiated out from his great presence. There is a huge void at Stormont Vail. He has left us too soon. Condolences to you, Kathleen, and all of those closest to this amazing human.
I knew him as Dr. Morse. My kids knew him as Dr. Smedium. I met him working at Stormont, they met him outside of the Lawrence Public library. He was in his tight workout clothes, bulging muscles, picking up some audiobooks for his commute to Topeka. As he did with everyone, he spoke to us for an extended period of time that afternoon. He kept getting irritated I would call him Dr. Morse. ‘It’s Frisco! Call me Frisco!’
I’ll miss you Dr. Frisco Morse.
Kathleen – I did not really know you until your life with Frisco started. When I met you together, you both gave off so much joy. The energy you brought was so easy to be around, which is rare. Frisco was always super friendly when I saw him around town at school events, charity outings, or hosting us girls at Book Club. You and your family are in our prayers.
I am so saddened by this. He was a bigger than life man. Always smiling and talking to those around him. I know Stormont Vail employees and patients will feel the loss of Frisco. I know he will be missed by so many. May God comfort all of those that knew and loved him. RIP my friend.
As his only surviving uncle I have known Frisco since his birth. His mom was my sister Randi, who gave him inspiration to be a medical doctor after her untimely demise at age 59. We spent quality time together from his youth up till now. He could recall events that affected us both with details I forgot. He did enjoy visiting us in our summer place in the Catskill mountains of New tork and even recalled the time he slipped and fell on a slope and was unconcious for a minute. But he really enjoyed the 11 acres, the open space, the lakes and streams,flowers and wildlife. He did bring Kathleen to see us there a couple times, just to let us know how fortunate he was as her soul mate. Thanks Kathleen.
I will really miss him and our phone chats. Frisco, you are in a better place now.
Chuck Freas
Summerville, SC
I enjoyed working with Dr. Morse. He had us nurses call him by Frisco and was a regular guy, very collaborative and so friendly! The world lost a good one. My sincerest condolences to the family!
Andette McAdoo, RN
Dr. Frisco Morse, there are not enough words to describe how wonderful it was to work with you the last 7 years. You have taught me so much through sharing your life lessons and professional stories. I have been so blessed to be able to call you my friend. I’ll never forget the first time he learned I was a single mother, that expanded into a wonderful conversation we shared about his mom and what an incredible and strong woman she was. He always checked in on how I was doing, as well as how my little girl was doing. He was always so kind and generous with his time and advice. I’m so sad that I will no longer hear him enter the office singing, “Emily” as loud as he could just to make me laugh. I’m so thankful to have known Dr Morse. May he rest in peace in the beautiful kingdom above.
The loss of Frisco will be felt by all of the employees of Stormont Vail Health, and the patients he interacted with. Any time I met him in the hallway, even with masks on, he acknowledge me with a friendly hello followed by interest in how my spouse was doing (whom Frisco treated on several occasions). His heartfelt interaction made you walk away knowing he truly cared about what was going on in your life.
Kathleen, my heart goes out to you and the photo of Frisco here really captures his light and kindness.
Dr. Morse has been a good friend and mentor to me during my time in Stormont vail. all of the hospitalist colleagues and staff in the hospital would miss his calming presence. he is so jovial in spite of the day to day stress that comes with being a hospital based physician. I wish good luck to his kids and Kathleen – may god bring peace and solace to his family and friends. As a husband, physician and father, he more than fulfilled his time on this planet and touched 1000s of lives from the depth of his heart – U will be missed, my friend!
I still can’t believe you are gone. It just doesn’t seem real. I know you adored Kathleen and she adored you. I remember your very first day at Stormont. We had quite the day! Miss you and your smiling face. RIP my dear friend
With the exception of his uncle Charlie, I am the only one here who knew him when he was Frisco White from Miami. He took my last name after we were married because I said if I am going to have the children, they will have my last name. It was important to him that we all have the same last name. I met him just before he started medical school at what was then the University of Health Sciences in Kansas City. I remember the first time I saw him: he was wearing an orange shirt against his tan skin, and I felt an immediate sense of calm. We built a life together. He graduated medical school and completed his residency in Philadelphia. I went to law school in New Jersey, and practiced in Philadelphia while he completed his training. We started a family. Our son Johstono was born in 2003, and our daughter Channing in 2007. By the time we had Channing, we had moved to Lawrence where I grew up, to raise our kids. Frisco was, as many of you have said, larger than life, gregarious, and outwardly joyful. That exuberance hid a lot of pain, however, and he never had the chance to deal with that pain, where he had come from, and his circumstances as a child. He struggled with a dad who left him when he was very young and a mom who died too soon. I hope he is able to rest now. I also want him to know that his children and I see him for who he was and that we will carry that and our love for him always.
Frisco was a great neighbor and one of the friendliest people I have ever met. He was one of the many “dog walkers” in our neighborhood and one of the most friendly. He would always take time to say hello. We will miss his presence and know he is in a better place. Our sincere condolences and love to Kathleen and the kids. You’re in our thoughts and prayers. Mary & Gary
Kathleen, I’m so sorry to hear of your husband’s passing. My deepest condolences to you and your family.
Frisco was my dad. Although he wasn’t always the most present in my life I always knew he loved and supported me and that I could turn to him when I needed. He truly was such a joyous person and always made me laugh and made me feel safe when I was around him. He was such a hard worker and I’m proud to say I inherited that from him. I’ll always remember listening to music and dancing with him in the kitchen and in the car. I still listen to those songs to this day. He took me to concerts and always let me know when my favorite artist was coming to town. I felt such a great comfort being around him. His life was cut too short and I miss him more than words can say. He may be physically gone, but I still feel his beautiful soul with me.
Dr. Morse was a regular in the gift shop on my weekends. I only talked to him for a couple of minutes every other weekend, but in just those few minutes a week, he had such an impact on my mood and my weekends. All I do at Stormont is stock shelves and run the register in the gift shop – still, no person was too “unimportant” for Dr. Morse to be a friend. He asked about what I was going to school for or when I’d be back at Stormont again. I always looked forward to seeing him; my weekends will not be the same without him. Thoughts and prayers for the family.
I am so sorry to hear of the passing of Dr. Morse. I met him last July 26th when my dad was in the ICU where he also insisted we call him Frisco. He talked about his family and a bit about growing up in Florida. He took time to connect with us, it was like he built a long time relationship with us in 30 minutes. He made us feel like we were his priority and nothing else mattered. What a great doctor!
My dad had been sick for awhile with liver failure, not encountering or having many people being honest with us, just sugar coating the truth (maybe another word than truth was used, lol), Frisco asked if we wanted him to treat us like we were his family after we told him about the journey so far, we said yes. I loved that he spoke to us like we were equals, he wasn’t better than we were because he was a doctor. He was so humble.
It was so very nice to hear complete honesty, I haven’t encountered another doctor with his candid, compassionate, and honest approach. He was real and kind in his presenting the truth. He offered hugs when we started to cry, as the the truth was not good.
The next day was my dad’s birthday and I brought Dr. Morse a carrot bundt cake to celebrate, as I couldn’t leave him out. My dad decided to go on hospice due to the honesty we received from Frisco and he passed a month later on August 27th.
My very brief encounter with Dr. Frisco Morse had a huge impact on my life. I’ll never forget the compassion he showed us, the honesty he gave us, his humility and kindness.
I have known Frisco since we were 12 years old in Miami, when he was Frisco White, and aside from his Uncle Chaz, I have LOVED him longer than anyone else. ❤️.
I would like to Thank everyone who has taken the time to write SO MANY BEAUTIFUL THINGS about him.
He was all those wonderful things. Growing up He and his mom didn’t have very much money or material things, but they never lacked for love or friendship. Every year, He and his Mom spent the Holidays with my family who at first welcomed them because Frisco was My friend, but after because they were both such Wonderful, Beautiful humans.
After, the passing of his Mom he felt the need to pull away from everything “Miami connected “. While away at Medical school, life got busy, but I knew Frisco would reach out when he was ready.
He did, it was like we didn’t skip a beat because true friendship has no boundaries or time.
My Heart swelled with PRIDE for all the success with his Career and Frisco was a DAD!!
Then sadness for his children and him as I was with him through the troubles and eventual dimis and divorce of his first marriage.
And then…
Kathleen walked into his life, I Can honestly say that never in my life did I see or hear so much JOY in Frisco than when he talked about Kathleen.
I am Forever grateful to God, for bringing her to him and giving them the time they had together. They spent it well, Living and Loving each other to the Fullest.
My heart is broken and the tears don’t seem to stop. It is uncomprehensible to me that I have just returned from his funeral this past weekend.
My lifelong friend, My Brother……Life will never be the same without you in it.
I’ll see you on the other side…..
I am a childhood friend to Frisco and could say that we shared great moments in the adolescent years as well. He kind, compassionate, and loved his mom greatly. I never forget you I could definitely speak for many his friends here in Miami Florida, he will be dearly missed. I’m am proud of the man he became and joyous to have known his accomplishments.
My condolences to you and yours.
hermano Enrique
I am a childhood friend to Frisco and could say that we shared great moments in the adolescent years as well. He was kind, compassionate, and loved his mom greatly. I never forgot you I could definitely speak for many of his friends here in Miami, Florida. He will be dearly missed. I’m am proud of the man he became and joyous to have known his accomplishments.
My condolences to you and yours.
Hermano Enrique
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Dr. Morse was a joy to work with during my time as a case manager. He showed the compassion he had for his patients, had enormous energy and always greeted people with a smile. I just found out today of his passing. I want to express my sincere condolences to his entire family.
Dr. Morse, I am devastated to learn of your passing. You were so kind and really helped me deal with an illness that caused a long hospital stay. Your afternoon visits helped me to smile and forget my fears for awhile. I pray you are with your mother and at peace. A devastated former patient.
Dr. Morse took care of my mom, Pat Richardson, while she was in an extended stay at Stormont. It was a scary time, but everyday, Dr. Morse would come in sit and visit with her. Sometimes for quite awhile. Of all the doctors we came in contact with, Dr. Morse is the only one I really remember. He was kind, funny and a great conversationalist. Saw my mom as a person that deserved his time. I am eternally grateful for him. His spirit lives on in everyone who was lucky enough to share time with him.
I am so sorry for the loss of this special man.
I am so very sorry for your loss. Dr Morse took care of my daughter in 2009 when she came down with H1N1. The actions he took in her care is what saved her life and I will forever be grateful.