Charlene Coho
There will be no formal services in Lawrence for Charlene Coho, 51 of Lawrence. Funeral services will be held 10:30 a.m. Saturday, October 12, 2019 at LDS Church in Ramah, New Mexico. Burial will be in Ramah Cemetery in Ramah, New Mexico. Charlene passed away October 7, 2019 at her home.
Charlene was born on August 4, 1968 in Lawrence, KS, the daughter of Alfred and Marie (Pino) Coho.
Her family includes her sisters, Veranna Coho of Pine Hill, NM; Felepita Coho, Jackie & Gary Florez, Loretta Morales, Linda Coho, Evelyn & Virgil Walker all of Lawrence, KS; three brothers Harrison Coho, Wesley Coho, Kevin Coho of Pine Hill, NM; she has three nieces, Shennandoah Florez, Erica Morales, Tyra Walker; nephews, Liquarlos Florez, Emilio Morales, Drew Fraizer and Tillman Fraizer all of Lawrence, KS; one great niece, Aayliyah Morales.