Val McKinney
Val Kay Masquat McKinney
N’schuckaquah. Entered eternal peace on April 12, 2017 at home. Surrounded by her loving family.
Val was born October 6, 1934 on the Kickapoo Reservation in Horton Ks.
The daughter of Robert and
Carrie Masquat. Val is survived by her siblings. Drusa Wabaunsee, Carole Garrison and Tee Villegas. Her brother Chub Masquat
Proceeded her in death.
Val had a long working career retiring from Haskell.
Val is survived by Jay Shuckahosee, Lori Howard, John, PJ and Logan McKinney.
Val married John V McKinney on February 14, 1964. Val leaves behind several much loved grand children and great grand children.
Drum service will be on Sunday, April 16, 2017 at 6pm in the Kickapoo Tribal building. Following will be the burial Monday morning, April 17, 2017 tentatively at 9am.
Our condolences and prayers are with the Family of Val. We are sorry to hear of your loss. Audrey Oliver, Melvene and Howard Oliver, Debbie Oliver-Johnson.