Larry Eugene Hughes

Memorial services are pending. He died Thursday, October 24, 2013 at Pioneer Ridge Retirement Community.

5 Condolences

  1. Kendra Jones on October 25, 2013 at 4:50 pm

    So sorry for the loss of Lucky Larry. It was a pleasure and privilege to have know him. He was always full of stories and panning for gold. He truly was a GOOD OLE BOY! He will be missed and thought of often. Sincerely Kendra Jones

  2. Amanda Holl on October 27, 2013 at 2:17 pm

    I’m sorry for your loss. Larry and I may not have seen eye to eye a lot of the time, but we did always agree on one thing we both loved my mom and only wanted whatever was best for her. There were many nights Larry and I stayed up really late just so we could watch Jeepers Creepers, even though we had watched it a million times together we would still manage to scare each other and end up waking mom. He always had a story to tell that always started out funny but then made you wonder how he survived, cuz most of the time Lucky Larry wasnt so lucky. He’ll always be in our hearts and our memories. I know I’ll never forget him and I’ll always be thankful he was there for my mom.

  3. Jill on October 28, 2013 at 7:16 am

    So sorry to hear of the loss of your dear loved one. I too have experienced that deep pain of loss. So, I look for ways to comfort others. I hope that you may find comfort in Job 14:14,15, which assures us that Almighty God has not only the power, but the desire to resurrect our dear loved ones.

  4. Larry Gish on October 28, 2013 at 6:14 pm

    To family and friends of Larry,

    It is with sadness that we say good bye to the last of the three Barker boys, as they were known in High School. David Foster, Sonny Foley and now Larry Hughes.
    He and they will be remembered.

    With sympathy and prayers to family and friends.
    Larry and Marge Gish

  5. Kendra Jones on October 30, 2013 at 6:28 pm

    Larry was a good friend and will be greatly missed.
    Thoughts and Prayers for his family.

    Judy Smalley

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